Pay per click better known as PPC Advertising, is as the name suggests an Online Advertising model. Traffic for any website can be generated by the website itself, or by taking help of other websites. This model is based on taking external assistance from other websites. A website makes certain advertisements for its business; it then negotiates with other websites to host its ad. This arrangement works on the understanding that the advertisers pay the hosting service when the ad is clicked.
These advertisements can be hosted on search engines or on content based websites. For search engine’s advertisers typically have to bid for keywords relevant to their target market. Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system.
How PPC works:

Advantages of Pay per click:
- Pay per click marketing is a great way to quickly get your site in front of your potential customers. It is the optimum strategy to attract qualified traffic to your site.
- Skillfully handled PPC search engine marketing placement can save you lots of money and drastically increase your ROI
- PPC is a very powerful advertising strategy and it can help you start building a strong customer base right away
- PPC can create immediate online visibility
- The best thing in all this being that you are required to pay only on the number of clicks your ads receive irrespective of the time duration for which they have been posted or views they get
- PPC is amongst the most affordable and successful advertising and marketing campaigns on the Internet
What we provide:
- We will plan and execute a highly customized marketing strategy which is certain to increase the targeted traffic to your site and also increase the visitor conversion rate
- We ensure proper theme selection for your campaign A PPC ad is more likely to be clicked if it gives the users, the impression of being an integral part of the hosting website and not an advertisement at
- Our marketing experts will help you set up and manage a cost-effective strategy for a profitable return on your investment
- Our pay per click management professionals will strategically manage your campaign so your message reaches the largest audience possible
- We can also effectively combine SEO, PPC and other strategies to further increase your exposure and sales.
Our PPC Management Process:
We have our own set of PPC professionals who are gung-ho about their work. They work in tandem with your employees to design the best PPC strategy for you. These strategies are devised keeping in mind current trends and behaviors of the leading search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Our experts will perform a thorough inspection of your website and design ideal strategy for your business. We start our process by:
Step 1: Keyword Research:
- Study of your business, the competition and market behavior and the objectives of the campaign
- The determination of your customer profile.
- The detailed research into and selection of relevant keywords and key phrases for your business.
- PPC key word research to determine the ideal, cost effective keywords, relevant to your business.
PPC is based on selection of right keywords. Keywords are the crux on PPC and having the right keyword can make or break your entire campaign. Hence we start off with identifying the best possible keywords that your target audience is using to find products or services.
This is the most critical part of PPC and our experts take full care to ensure that right keywords are chosen for your website; which will convert visitors into paying customers. Careful keyword selection will ensure proper targeting and thus result in greater success and ROI for your business.
We generate keywords from various sources like search engine tools, competitive reviews, etc. The keywords are then tested for their relevancy and finally organized into different categories based on their performance. This allows us to select the most persuasive keywords from amongst the list. We do not put hundreds of keyword in your campaign as this would result in backlash in form of ‘bad clicks’ in your campaign.
Step 2: Writing Advertisements
Based on the keywords short listed compelling advertisements are written for your PPC campaign by our experts. Attractive and effectively written ads bring more visitors. More visitors mean more sales, more conversions.
Preparation of an appropriate and attractive copy to strike the interest of the search engine traffic.
- Motivating our content developers to come out with unique and catchy ad lines that could compel the visitors to click the advertisements instantly
- Color scheme that could complement the website theme in the best possible manner and alongside could also befit the hosting location
- A compelling Ad copy is integral to your PPC campaign. It can either encourage customers to buy from you or shop with your competitor instead. You need effective PPC Ad copy that attracts, informs and converts.
Step 3: Competitive Analysis:
The key to bettering your competitor is to know exactly what the competitor is doing and not doing to better understand his strength and the chinks in the armor. Which keywords are they targeting? How many serious competitors are vying for your traffic? What is your competition doing? What is your competitor missing/ doing, there maybe some excellent opportunities which they are missing or doing and you can capitalize on. Our experts will do a in-depth research on your competitors for your chosen keywords and work out strategies to counter their strength and exploit their vulnerabilities.
Step 4: Types of Ads
Researching for the most profitable online destinations to post your ads including search engines, social networking sites and individual websites
- Sponsored Search Ads:
The sponsored links that appear above or to the right of a search results page when a customer searches for a particular keyword are called ‘Sponsored Search Ads’ and are a part of PPC campaign. In this case the search engines charge you a fixed amount for each click generated from your PPC campaign.
- Contextual Advertising:
Contextual advertising is all about the context. Being at the right place at right time, with the right message. The power of being in right place cannot be underestimated. In this type of advertising we focus on finding the most appropriate websites based on its content, to place your ads. The idea is to increase the potency of your ads, by placing them in the most appropriate environment.
Step 5: Landing Page
We perform a thorough study of your site to locate the suitable landing page. The landing page may have to be modified to make it the perfect entry point to your web site. The landing page can be modelled on either of two premises:
- To give more information about the product/service to the customer: In this case the landing page is designed on the referential model, and provides the visitor a reference point to explore your website for all other available details
- To get the customer contact details/ purchase order from customer: In this case the landing page is designed on the transactional model, and asks the customer for contact details to initiate the purchase process.
Step 6: Monitoring Analytic
Any strategy cannot be a success unless it is closely monitored and adjusted to best suit the changing scenario. Once your PPC strategy is in place, our experts keep a close watch on the campaign performance by closely studying your website analytic. This study helps us in making relevant changes to your campaign and keep it optimized. All the relevant metric and related data is studied to determine the keyword performance and analyze success ration / conversion ration of the campaign.
Step 7: Reporting/Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- We will provide monthly progress report to you; this report contains detailed account of your website’s key performance indicators so you can easily evaluate the success of your PPC campaign.
- These reports will help you monitor your ROI, click through rate, and traffic reports.
- As the PPC campaign progresses, our close monitoring ensures all the critical data is collected and reviewed on daily basis. These regular reviews allow early identification of customer reaction and stronger trends. This in turns ensures that your PPC campaign is always maintained in the most optimized state by regular reviewing and tweaking as required.
Step 8: Bidding
- Once the Keywords are short listed and approved by you, our PPC experts will move on to the bidding process.
- Bid levels are pre-defined for each keyword in accordance with their performance to exact maximum ROI for your investment.
- During the bidding process we closely monitor the bids to ensure that we manage to form a formidable cache of most targeted yet least competitive keywords.
- Since these bidding’s are the most crucial part of the PPC management, we use only experts to handle them. One wrong move, and you could end up paying exorbitant amounts like 8$ for a keyword that’s highly competitive, which you could have easily avoided by choosing a slightly lesser competitive word at 2$
- In PPC the auctions are a volatile process and there are frequent changes in bids for targeted keyword and this requires an ongoing PPC bid management program to help you optimize your budget performance.
- Our expert will undertake regular of keywords and ad text which will in long run help you save invaluable dollars. Also this process allows you to continuously undertake testing of new keywords and initiatives.
Step 9: Budgeting your campaign
Our PPC experts will provide nearest approximation of the estimated campaign cost. Cost estimation. Once this approximation is provided, it’s totally your call as to what amount you want to spend on your PPC campaign every week/ month or quarter. If you choose to set your campaign spending to Rs 1,000/- per month then be assured that you wont be charged a Rupee more. You can change your budget at any time of the campaign.
- In a pay-per-click campaign, every click on your ad costs money. And therefore, it is very easy to blow your budget on a poorly managed PPC Campaign
- Target very general keywords can lead to enormous amounts of ‘bad clicks’ which will cost you but are totally irrelevant to your business. Similar fate will meet your campaign in case wrong keywords are selected
- Don’t target the right breadth of keywords. Too few or too many keywords, both can lead to disastrous results. Too few might end up making you loose out on lot of relevant traffic, and too many will just dilute your campaign
- Each click will be charged to you by the Search Engine/ Website. Imagine if your bid for the campaign is less than optimum for you. This mistake can bleed your campaign dry, and with zero results for your benefit
- In case of contextual ads, if adequate care is not taken to study the website on which the ads are being placed, it can render the entire campaign ineffective.
- Don’t give adequate attention to the target website.
PPC campaign management is a detailed process which requires a lot of research and analysis. It’s imperative that you choose an SEO Company that offers professional PPC services and will get you the maximum Return On Investment (ROI).
Web SEO Services PPC Campaign Process